The Game Changing Solution for Future Proof, High-Speed File Access in Cloud-Based Media Workflows

From the content you view on your personal devices to what you see on billboards, cinema screens, and the immersive experiences around you, the truth is that digital content is everywhere. The result? As the demand for content grows, the need for innovative solutions that enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and reduce costs is more crucial than ever.

Enter cunoFS, an exceptional new mount client that’s revolutionizing how creative professionals in the media and entertainment industry interact with cloud storage.

What is cunoFS?

cunoFS is a high-performance mount client that provides seamless, native access to object storage as if it were a fast, local file system with POSIX compatibility. Developed by PetaGene, an award-winning software company whose original products have been widely adopted by the largest pharmaceutical and life sciences institutions, cunoFS is a solution that unlocks the value of new, or existing, content used in cloud based media workflows. Thanks to its ability to enable creatives to access object storage, whether on-premises or cloud-based, as if it were their computer’s local drive, cunoFS is gaining momentum especially with organizations that value their content being protected in open and non-proprietary formats. With cunoFS, authorized personnel or workflows can access content without the need for proprietary gatekeeping applications, ensuring seamless and reliable access to important data.

cunoFS represents nearly a decade of innovation, with roots going back to 2014 when a team of experienced software engineers started developing high-performance computing solutions. The result is a tool that’s not only POSIX-compatible but also optimized for high throughput across various workloads, from small files to large, complex media projects. With a transfer speed up to 30 times faster than AWS CLI S3 for a single node* and benchmarked at 11 Tbps for 256 nodes, cunoFS sets a new standard for cloud storage performance.

Why is cunoFS Perfect for Media and Entertainment?

  • No Proprietary Lock-in: With cunoFS, your data is yours. Unlike other solutions that lock your content in proprietary formats, cunoFS ensures your files remain in their original format. This means they are accessible across multiple workflows and teams without any risk of vendor lock-in. Futureproof your media assets and retain complete control over your data.
  • Highly Responsive Solution: Working with massive video projects directly from the cloud can often feel sluggish, but not with cunoFS. Its intelligent caching and high throughput make editing large files in real-time a breeze. Whether you’re working with Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, or any other industry standard software, cunoFS provides a responsive experience that feels like the files are stored locally.
  • Cost-Efficient and Scalable: One of the standout features of cunoFS is its ability to provide accelerated access to low cost, infinitely scalable object storage without the need for expensive storage tiers or bottlenecked file gateways. By efficiently utilizing object storage, by only accessing the bytes you need, cunoFS significantly reduces the need for local disk space and minimizes bandwidth usage, which is a huge cost saver for large projects.
  • Streamlined Collaboration: Sustainability is front of mind in the Media and Entertainment community, but there are few applications that help reduce the energy and resource footprint of creative workflows. With cunoFS, multiple teams can access the same single source of truth without moving or copying content onto separate platforms that consume additional energy and cost to maintain. 
  • Seamless Integration and Security: Security is a top priority for any organization, and cunoFS delivers. It supports all major object storage services and providers, and it’s fully compatible with the latest security standards, including TLS encryption. Plus, cunoFS works seamlessly with VPNs, making it a secure and flexible solution for remote teams..

cunoFS is more than just a mount client. It’s the ideal solution for anyone looking to fully leverage their cloud storage without performance bottlenecks, proprietary formats, or complicated setups. While most applications, particularly in media and entertainment, rely on file-based storage, cunoFS bridges the gap between traditional file systems and modern object storage. It enables real-time collaboration on the same files without the need to download multiple versions, creating a truly effective solution for global workflows. cunoFS ultimately opens up a new future of media production for creatives to enjoy.

Interested in discovering how cunoFS is enabling organizations to break free from their content jails?

Click here to meet with us at this year’s IBC show, where you’ll be able to meet the team, see cunoFS in action and learn how it can instantly transform your workflow.

*Footnote: This is based on cunoFS running a workload either within the AWS data center or on-premise. Speeds may vary depending on network connectivity

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