Discover cunoFS at IBC 2024

Join us at this year's IBC show to see first hand how cunoFS can transform your media workflows. Our technology, originally designed to uphold the most demanding high-performance workloads and support huge data sets, is bringing that same level of intelligence and innovation to the world of Media and Entertainment.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unlock the future of cloud-based media production at this year's show.

IBC logo on photographic background

Global collaboration

Work on the same file, across the globe with no extra steps.

Seamless Integration

A solution so good, you don’t even know it’s there.

Unrivaled Performance

Performance that means your workflows will never slow down.

Where to find us

Tradefair logo
DPP Logo
iabm Logo
Tyrell CCT Logo
Storj Logo

Take control of your data with cunoFS.

See you in Amsterdam!

IBC 2024 Meeting Request Form